Policies and Procedures
By creating a profile and using Paws and Claws Pet Nannies services you agree to these terms and procedures as well as the arbitration and prepayment policy.
Payments for walking or sitting services are to be paid in full at the time of booking or on the first day that service begins. If payment is not received at the time of service, services may be canceled or a $25.00 late fee may be added per day of nonpayment to your invoice. Paws and Claws Pet Nannies accepts cash, venmo, and credit cards through PayPal (if using goods and services selection please include the 3% fee in payment). If Client requests to extend service, the Client guarantees payment at the same rate for all services provided upon return. Although not required, if you wish to tip the Pet Sitter, simply include the tip in your payment. You may leave a note on the invoice or let the sitter know you tipped if you would like. If no note is left on payment it will be assumed excess is for sitter tip
Surcharge Policy:
A $10 surcharge will apply for all service requests made within 48 hours of scheduled time frame. A $15 surcharge per day will apply for visits made on the following holidays not including Overnight visits: New Years Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day and Independence Day. Our Overnight surcharge during the above holidays is $30. Any visit that includes Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and day, New Years Eve and day require a 50% non refundable deposit payable at the time your reservation is made. Your reservation is not guaranteed until the deposit is received. For locations over a 10-mile radius from Paws and Claws, a fuel surcharge will apply of $2 per visit.
Extra Fees/Charges Policy:
Paws and Claws Pet Nannies reserves the right to invoice/bill at $15.00 per 15-minute increment or any portion thereof, for additional time spent over the scheduled visit time that is necessary for the care of Client’s pet(s) and home. This includes service and time for the clean-up resulting from pet incontinence, accidents or frequent vomiting; complications administering medications; obtaining pet food, medication or supplies; wait time for emergency home repair, and search for pet(s) that escaped confinement or leash. Client will be held responsible for all expenses incurred including damage caused by the pet and reimburse Paws and Claws Pet Nannies upon return.
Cancellation Policy:
For early return and cancellation of service (for non-holiday reservations), a 24-hour notice is required or Client will be charged the rate of one visit. After cancellation fees, any remaining balance will be applied to future pet sitting visits only. No refunds will be given. All holiday reservations require a 7-day notice for changes and cancellations or Client will be charged for the services reserved. No credits will be given for early returns during holiday periods. All holiday visits during Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s must be prepaid, and cancellations are non-refundable.
OVERNIGHT STAY CANCELLATION POLICY: Due to the exclusive nature of overnight bookings, our pet sitters must decline all other requests for overnights that coincide with the dates booked. Therefore, we charge a $30 per night cancellation fee, regardless of when the job is cancelled or the job total.
A pet sitting visit will only take place after the initial consultation in your home. We recommend that you book your pet sitting visits as early as possible as we always schedule our appointments on a first come, first serve basis. We do not guarantee specific time slots. A 2-3 hours window is acceptable, except in the case of pets that require medication at a specific time or has a specific medical condition (in which a one hour window is acceptable). We are, however, happy to note your preferred visit time and will do our best to accommodate. Pet sitting hours fall between 7am and 9pm and are usually completed during this time period, unless we have
a heavy workload. (Special arrangements can be made for overnights or late visits, but additional fees apply). In the case of pets requiring one visit per day, we do not offer the choice of a time slot. These visits will be scheduled to fit between our other visits. We will attempt to place that visit according to Client’s time frame wishes, but do not guarantee that time frame. We will ensure that the visits are scheduled no more than 24 hours apart. Each household must schedule at least one visit per 24 hours. Homes with dogs must schedule at least two visits per 24 hours.
We are transitioning from only accepting 2 keys that are kept in office to offering the option of leasing a lockbox for $15. This can be kept for just the needed job or can be kept indefinitely. When you return this lockbox in good working order, the $15 will be refunded to you. One working copy of your house key must be placed inside the lockbox. A second copy will be kept in our office lockbox for emergency purposes. And the lockbox must be placed on the door, a railing, or another easily accessible location. We feel that this option provides a better sense of security for the homeowner. It also makes it easier for us should an emergency occur and a back-up sitter is needed to make the visit. It also prevents lost or misplaced keys. If you live in a gated community, you must provide a gate card, remote, or appropriate access codes. For existing clients who have provided the 2 required keys to us, we will keep them unless a lockbox is requested. In the event that keys become unusable, locks malfunction, Client fails to leave a key, or for any other reasons beyond Pet Sitter’s control, Paws and Claws Pet Nannies has authorization to employ the services of a locksmith to gain entry into a Client’s home on Client’s behalf. Client will be responsible for all expenses incurred and reimburse Paws and Claws Pet Nannies upon return. There is a $10 trip charge if we are required to pick up or drop off keys or lockboxes.
We are happy to provide medication to your pets. Client acknowledges that P&C will give insulin injections as instructed by the Client, however, we cannot guarantee the outcome of such injections. Client understands that P&C pet sitters are not licensed veterinary care professionals. We will care for diabetic pets provided their condition is stable and client provides us with accurate dosing instructions. We do not do glucose testing. Client understands the risks involved and agrees that P&C will not be held liable for harm or death to pet(s) resulting from insulin injections. Client also holds P&C harmless in the event the pet(s) suffers adverse reactions or shock while P&C pet sitters are away from the Client’s home. We will not pet-sit for acutely ill pets, pets with uncontrolled/untreated medical conditions, dogs that jump constantly, or any pets that are aggressive. In these cases, we suggest the pet be boarded with a veterinarian or at a kennel. We will make every effort to administer medications that the pet(s) in our care requires. However, if the pet absolutely refuses to cooperate, client authorizes and accepts charges for transport of pet(s) to veterinarian and for veterinary administration of medications. In the event the pet continues to prevent us from medicating them, client agrees to allow us to leave the pet with the vet and accepts all charges. Should client’s own veterinarian not be available, P&C is authorized to seek emergency veterinary assistance needed during visits from any vet as chosen by the sitter at the cost of the client. We will, of course, make an effort to contact the Client before veterinary care is sought but reserve the right to have pets treated in the event the Client and their emergency contact is unreachable. P&C will not be held responsible for the health/well-being of the pet should Client refuse veterinary care when pet sitter deems it is necessary. P&C is not responsible if, despite our best efforts, a pet refuses to eat, drink, accept medication, or to be walked. Pets that will not eat/drink or take medication will be transported to a vet at the Client’s cost.
No dogs will be allowed to roam or be allowed off leash under any circumstances while outside in unfenced areas or off the Client’s property. Owners of free-roaming cats agree to hold P&C completely blameless in the event cat(s) are injured or killed, do not return home, etc. If client has an invisible fence, the dog(s) must be leashed. Client is responsible for adhering to all national, state, and local animal laws and ordinances. We will not walk unruly/untrained dogs or dogs that choke themselves on their leash. We will not walk dogs in severely stormy weather. If the weather isn’t dangerous to our well-being (tropical storm or hurricane conditions) we will take dog out to relieve itself if the dog will go outside but cannot guarantee the outcome. Pet Owner is responsible for providing equipment/supplies needed for care of their pet(s), including but not limited to a sturdy, well-fit harness (halter, collar, etc.) for walks or in case of emergencies, firmly affixed vaccination tags, a lead rope or leash, pooper-scoopers, litter boxes, food, cleaning supplies, medicines, pet food, and cat litter. Pet owners authorize any purchases necessary for the satisfactory performance of duties. Pet Owner agrees to be responsible for the payment of such items as well as service fees for obtaining items and will reimburse P&C upon their return for all purchases made.
Emergencies & Visitors:
Please provide the name of an emergency contact, neighbor, friend, family, or company to be contacted should a house-hold emergency occur such a burst water pipe or air conditioner/heat malfunction, and we are unable to reach you. If anyone else has access to your home while we are pet sitting, we need to be aware of it. All other individuals that visit the home MUST leave a log of their visit. This will include their reason for being in the home, their name, a contact number, and time of their arrival and departure. An optional form will be provided upon request. P&C asks that the Client schedule all other services, such as housekeeping, pool cleaning, and yard work for dates/times when P&C will not be providing service. P&C cannot be held liable for the deeds or misdeeds of other individuals.
It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that P&C is provided with information regarding any friends, relatives, neighbors, or others whom the client has given access to the home in their absence. We will not enter the home if someone we don’t know is on the premises. If we see someone in or around your home that we do not know, we will immediately notify the authorities. It is suggested that arrangements be made with someone to evacuate your pets in case of a disaster or weather related event/crisis/”Code Red”. P&C will definitely try to see to your pet’s safety/care should such events occur but cannot guarantee it.
Geriatric/Special Needs Pets:
Client acknowledges that we are not veterinarians or veterinarian technicians, but we will agree to care for senior or special needs pets according to the Client’s instructions. We will make every effort to administer medications and encourage eating food or drinking water. However, if the pet absolutely refuses to cooperate, client authorizes and accepts charges for transport of pet(s) to veterinarian and for veterinary administration of medications or fluids. We trust that our Client’s know their pet best and that they are confident that their pet’s condition/age will not put their health at risk by being left with a sitter rather than leaving the pet in the care of a veterinarian. Client acknowledges that we cannot be held responsible for the demise of a senior or special needs pet unless it is due to our negligence.
Return Call:
Please call us within a reasonable time after your return If we don’t hear from you, our concern is that you may have been delayed. If we make a visit to your home because we weren’t notified, regular visitation charges will apply.
Emergency Pet Care Policy:
In the event of pet illness or other medical emergency pet will be taken to the closest vet or nearest emergency vet clinic if the specified vet is unavailable Client understands and agrees that attempts will be made to contact them in case of emergency. If Client is unreachable, Pet Sitter has permission to authorize any care that the vet deems necessary for the pet’s health, safety, and survival. Client agrees to reimburse Paws and Claws Pet Nannies for any additional fees and all costs relating to vet care during their absence. This may include x-rays, blood work, surgery, and/or other expensive procedures as well as an emergency medical transport fee of $35.00. For the safety of your pet and others, pets must have current vaccinations. Should Pet Sitter be bitten or otherwise exposed to any disease or ailment received from Client’s pet that has not been properly vaccinated, it will be the Client’s responsibility to pay all costs and damages incurred by the sitter.
Arbitration agreement:
Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this contract, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration administered by the [American Arbitration Association or other mediator chosen by paws and claws pet nannies] under its [Commercial Arbitration Rules/ current mediation rules]. The number of arbitrators shall be [one]. The place of arbitration shall be [Augusta Ga/Johnson City TN]. [Ga/TN] law shall apply. Judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Arbitration of existing disputes may be accomplished by use of the following: We, the undersigned parties, hereby agree to submit to arbitration administered by the [American Arbitration Association/other mediator] under its [Commercial Arbitration Rules/ current mediation rules] the following controversy: [any and all issues that may arise]. We further agree that the above controversy be submitted to [one] arbitrator(s). The place of the arbitration shall be [Augusta Ga/Johnson City TN], and [Ga/TN] law shall apply. We further agree that we will faithfully observe this agreement and the rules, that we will abide by and perform any award rendered by the arbitrator(s), and that a judgment of any court having jurisdiction may be entered on the award.
Extended care policy:
All households with more than four pets or any caged pet that requires attention will require an extended visit so that the proper care can be provided.
Sitter and photo policy:
Taking photos for our journals is an important part of our job to provide the peace of mind that your pet is being cared for properly. Unless otherwise specifically requested, we reserve the right to use any and all photos we may take during our time with your pet on our social media or for promotional products. We are a group of sitters that are immensely proud of the top quality care we provide to your pets. Additionally, throughout the duration of your scheduled services your pets may not see the same sitter each visit. However, we also offer meet and greets with each sitter that will be providing care at your home. If this is something you are interested in let us know in the initial contact before the meet and greet. Please make known any aversions your pets may have during the meet and greet so that we can be sure they are happy and comfortable the entire time you are away.
Dog door policy:
Dog doors are a useful tool and many of our clients allow their pets to freely use dog doors while under our care. P and C is not responsible for any damages or pet injuries resulting from unsupervised dog door use while P and C is not in the home.